
Kisah abraham dalam alkitab
Kisah abraham dalam alkitab

kisah abraham dalam alkitab

“Biblical Church Discipline.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 4 No. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, Cetakan ke-12, 2013.ĭerrett, J. Tafsiran Alkita: Injil Matius Pasal 1–22. “Whatever Happened to Church Discipline.” Criswell Theological Review 1 (Spring 1987): 345-361.ĭe Heer, J. New York: T&T Clark, 2004.ĭavis, George B. Allison, International Critical Commentary Vol. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1981.ĭavies, W. A Brief Exposition of the Evangel of Jesus Christ According to Matthew. Joplin, Missouri: College Press, 1997.ĭavid Dickson, David. Matthew: The College Press Niv Commentary. London: Puritan Publications, 2012.Ĭhouinard, Larry. A Discourse on Church Discipline and Reformation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984.Ĭawdrey, Daniel. “Principles of Discipline in Matthew 18:15-17 Part III: A Practical Study.” Calvary Baptist Theological Journal (Fall 1989): 1-29.īuzzard, Lynn Robert. “Redemptive Love: The Key to Church Discipline.” Leadership Journal 2:3 (Summer 1981): 77-85.īurggraf, David L. “The Role of Discipline in the Church.” Covenant Quarterly (August 1983): 51-52.īubna, Donald L.

kisah abraham dalam alkitab

Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007.īrown, Harold O. Commentary of the New Testament use of the Old Testament. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf& Stock, 2010.īlomberg, C. Love that Rescues: God’s Father Love in the Practice of Church Discipline. Westminster: John Knox Press, 2000.īargerhuff, E. “Recovering the Third Mark of the Church.” Reformation & Revival 3 No. A Critical And Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to Saint Matthew. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2006.Īllen, Willoughby C. The Peace Making Pastor: A Biblical Resolving Church Conplict. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1986.Īlfred Poirier, Alfred. Handbook of Church Discipline: A Right and Every Church Member. This article aims to explain the correct understanding of the act of and procedures of biblical church discipline based on Matthew 18: 15-17.Īdams, Jay. Many see church discipline as a curse and exclusion rather than love that restores the fellowship of believers. There is also a big misconception about the meaning, purpose, and the nature of church discipline. The implementation of church discipline can allegedly cause the loss of influential and rich members of the congregation. Leaders are afraid to discipline members of the church, because it is deemed contrary to the “love of God” and can lead to divisions in the congregation. The application of discipline in the church is often overlooked in most churches today. The other extreme attitude is that we hate the sin so much, that we begin to hate the one who did it. One extreme attitude is to let alone the person who falls into sin for fear of making him/her offended. Often churches are confused when it comes to determining the attitude toward those who sin. Artikel ini bermaksud menjelaskan pemahaman yang benar mengenai tidakan dan prosedur disiplin gereja yang alkitabiah berdasarkan Injil Matius 18:15-17. Banyak yang melihat disiplin gereja sebagai kutukan dan pengucilan daripada cinta kasih yang memulihkan untuk mengembalikan kepada persekutuan dengan orang percaya. Ada juga kesalahpahaman besar tentang makna, tujuan, dan sifat disiplin gereja. Pelaksanaan disiplin gereja disinyalir dapat menyebabkan hilangnya anggota jemaat yang berpengaruh dan kaya. Pemimpin takut untuk melakukan disiplin gereja kepada anggota jemaat, karena dinggap bertentangan dengan “kasih Allah” dan dapat menyebabkan perpecahan di dalam persekutuan. Disiplin dalam gereja merupakan kelalaian besar di sebagian gereja saat ini. Sikap ekstrim yang lain adalah sangat membenci dosa, sehingga membenci juga orang yang melakukannya. Salah satu sikap yang ekstrim adalah membiarkan saja seseorang jatuh ke dalam dosa karena takut membuat orang itu tersinggung. Seringkali gereja mengalami kebingungan saat harus menentukan sikap terhadap orang yang berbuat dosa.

Kisah abraham dalam alkitab